Millennium Environmental personnel have an extensive background in EHS law and regulation. Our staff develop and manage compliance operations for a diverse range of industry sectors (eg, energy, manufacturing, food and beverage, hospitality, sanitation services, medical and automobile) both domestically and internationally. Millennium Environmental routinely prepares local, state, and federal permits for operation and directs subsequent implementation.
Millennium Environmental personnel manage the Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) programs for both onshore and offshore operations, including hazardous waste and emergency response programs.
Compliance management strategies include the analysis, determination of applicability, and implementation of technological standards, including Reasonable Available Control Technology (RACT), Best Available Control Technology (BACT), and innovative technology operational alternatives. Millennium Environmental staff prepare engineering descriptions and drawings of the facility, detailed emission inventory and description of each individual emitting source, calculations of emissions for several scenarios, and discussions of the compliance status relative to regulatory criteria and standards. Staff also prepare Emission Source Testing Plans, Inspection and Maintenance (I&M) Plans for fugitive emissions and for internal combustion engines, and Compliance Plans to ensure operational conformity with newly promulgated regulations.
Environmental Permitting (all media) and Liaison with Regulatory Agencies
Water Use and Treatment Operations Permitting
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP)
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC)
Compliance Gap Analyses
Development of Mitigation Measures and Plans
Hazardous Waste Management
Preparation of Injury Illness Prevention Plans
OSHA Compliance
Accident Investigation and Reporting
Onsite HSSE Compliance Management
Water and Wastewater, Treatment and Conveyance Design
NPDES Permitting Assistance and Compliance Planning
Water Quality Modeling
Water Treatment Operator Training
Design, Start-up, Operating and Troubleshooting Advice for Water Systems used for Cooling Systems, Boiler Plants, and Water Makeup and Waste Plants.
Environmental Engineering and Compliance Systems
Process Optimization and Troubleshooting
Plant and Program Audits
Pre-Construction and Post-Construction Habitat Surveys
Project Management, Scheduling, and Logistical Arrangements
Pipeline Integrity Management Plan
Flare Studies
Air Quality and Dispersion Modeling
Waste Minimization/Recycling Programs
Environmental Baseline Studies
Oil Spill Contingency and Cleanup Plans
Development of Protocols and Standards