
Sustainability merges two important themes: that environmental protection does not preclude economic development and that economic development must be ecologically viable now and in the long run. This concept of sustainability encompasses ideas, aspirations and values that continue to inspire public and private organizations to become better stewards of the environment and that promote positive economic growth and social objectives. The principles of sustainability can stimulate technological innovation, advance competitiveness, and improve our quality of life.
Millennium Environmental focuses on understanding the root causes of unsustainable behavior in complex systems to help restructure systems and shift mindsets that will help move a corporation toward sustainability.

Millennium Environmental develops reliable and objective benchmarks to manage sustainability portfolios. We advise clients on the risks and opportunities associated with corporate responsibility and sustainable development. Millennium Environmental develops solutions to social and environmental challenges that deliver long term value. We help companies understand the environmental and social impacts of their products, identify best management practices and pursue sustainable supply chains. Sustainability has emerged as the currency by which companies validate their products and services. Industry and consumers increasingly prefer vendors who can demonstrate sustainability within their business planning.

Millennium Environmental’s clients have experienced significant cost savings as a result of effective waste minimization, material substitutions, recycling, recovery and other sustainable business practices.